Sunday 9 February 2014

Rejection Strategy

As I have mentioned before, I have written scripts for independent short films and one for BBC.
Time constraints on film production often means scenes are left out or dialogue changed, resulting in a different story interpretation to the one the writer intended.
I wanted more control over my material, and so wrote my ideas out as stories in prose.
Next step : I sent the stories off to magazines.
That's when it began: The rejection letters.
I took the rejections surprisingly well.
This began to make me think about my Inquiry (which is now concentrating,  not so much on fear, but on the coping strategies).
Did my lack of self- administered mental chastisement mean that I had triggered a coping strategy?
The broad reply would always be "well, I'm use to rejection now", as if over the years a tough outer shell had formed naturally, organically,  without cognitive intervention.
Of course, what had happened was, over those years, I had wrestled my demons with logic, with reason. For every audition I did not get, I chose not to throw myself upon the alter of self pity, but, instead, to look at other reasons why I might not have won the role. Reasons often out of my control ie wrong look, too young, too old, too tall.
If I felt I had done a particularly bad job, yes, I was introspective, but purely as a means to improve my practice. However, I would always try and see the bigger picture. Apply a balanced view. To this day, this is how I cope with rejection. This is my strategy.

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